An Evil Eye View

Form is Temporary, soul is permanent

Monday, September 25, 2006

K.D. Review

2006 is a landmark year for Tamil Cinema. After ‘Aadhi’ and ‘Tirupathi’ it’s the turn of ‘K.D.’ to rock the audience and make them scream ‘Will movies like these be made again?’ My sincere request to producer A.M. Rathnam for contemplating on a name change. I bet on an addition of an extra ‘a’ to ‘K’ and ‘i’ to ‘D’(KaDi)which would enhance the title, give it a subtle finish and help the normal movie goer expect the outcome.

Movie is rather an exhilarating ride. It keeps the audience absorbed. Indeed, for the entire duration, they can keep on guessing for the logic in screen play, coherence of events and something natural to come out from the artists, sans Atul Kulkarni. Every one would like to emote from their heart, but the lead actor here emotes from his nose and his smile can make even Maddy envy. He is a super hero indeed, otherwise who can stand up and fight your opponent within minutes of your leg getting broken. His female counterparts are really drop dead gorgeous gals (the only reason why I went for the movie). Indian cricket team has a lot to learn from Tamanna. She’s so consistent in her expressions that its quite difficult to find out what state she is in really. The rest, (except for two foot tapping numbers by Yuvan and negligible hilarious scenes), lesser said, the better.

So whats happening to the Tamil Tinsel world? Where is the think tank behind such movies? Think the directors view would have been like this, ‘See, we are a bit hasty in our decisions and actions. We don’t have patience. When you get acquainted with these kinda movies it develops your patience and endurance. Life itself is a difficult ride. You need loads of those good qualities plus hard work to come up. These movies are just preparatory events to make you work harder and get something even out of a mole. It bodes well for our future. This movie was made bearing this in mind. I hope more such moves come and help audience cope up with everything they face in their lives.’

I have never been a reviewer/critic coz I never wanted to attack the sentiments of a film maker. But this was something a very difficult pill to swallow and couldn’t restrain from writing about it.

If you wanna c a really hot Tamanna ( I still remember the forwards I got an year back with she looking damn cute) and an equally exotic Ileana, go for the movie, otherwise get some good sleep and save your energy.


Friday, September 01, 2006

Happy Anniversary

Dear Spouse,
I can still remember that fine Saturday Evening, 7th June 2003, when the Broker said, “Some one has found interest in you, you are now affiliated to this relationship” and gave me a token of acceptance. I preserved it safely, though it took an awfully long time for the relationship to bear fruit and elevate to a marriage(bonded) agreement. Thus on this day two years back, we started our lives together. It was quite enthralling when I signed the relationship concord. I thought this will be an epoch in my career where my aspirations of becoming someone, who has inculcated the necessary to give something back to the world, from which he has taken a lot, will translate to reality. True to my dreams, the honey moon period of two months was indeed exhilarating and exploratory. It showered joy and learning all over my soul and laid emphatically a gorgeous path that any human would love to tread along.

As the saying of Alchemist goes, ‘When you enter into a game, you will have the beginner’s luck that may decoy you and entice you to play more. Later it slowly fades and life throws you into a real strife and struggle for existence’. A Time of joy was followed by a period of nostalgism and a thought lingering month, before you put me in a place where I have been clinging on since. It may not be the best place to put your brain and body to effective use, to mingle and sing jingles, to learn and then earn respect, gratitude, but still I learned to live with it. I can moan and groan about the loopholes and indemnities. You might not have treated me well and it was certainly the worst of places, but, “Ooperwaala” wont always put you in a favorable position. He asks you to learn from what you have got and the people you meet. So here I am, two years after imbibing very little technical and practically nil domain expertise, yet, with a propensity to learn from people and use them to impel myself forward.

I don’t know whether I love you now. But I cant hate you either. You were the one who gave my life some meaning(to be frank some bucks) and may be time has come for me to move forward. I don’t know when I will detach myself from this cord. But on this joyous occasion, its time for me to while away those feelings and just crave for those mad two months, when we had the best part for our relationship. Hope when we separate and meet again in future, we remember those glorious moments. The best way to celebrate our anniversary was by being with you which I have done all day along and might even spend the entire night. Lets join hands and raise a toast for ourselves and to those who made us carry forward this long and making our relationship work for the betterment of both.
Happy Anniversary Dear
Though I don’t know when I gonna say tata to TATA
Your loving associate/friend/hubby
